Never would I have known that I would want to ditch standards to maintain steeze. Not me Lord 🙌🏾😭.

Hello, my name is sarah, and I love to tell stories. Story Story, shall we?😉

I’m honestly beginning to think there’s a price to pay for steeze.
Whose story will I tell if not mine? 😅

I’ve been hearing everybody chant “steeze” for a while now and because of my old woman self, I didn’t get the memo on time. So on getting the memo, I said let me join them to steeze too. I didn’t know I was in for trouble. 🤧

Either way, Sarah must steeze.

So of recent, I’ve been getting into some kind of conversations with some people that will require me calling back their head to the truth(the gospel of Jesus Christ) no matter what. But I saw myself holding back. I was having double checks whether or not to talk or just remain and appear “cool”. Again, not me Lord!😭

But what am I grateful for the most in these times? That will be the godly and wonderful relationships I have, that has been fuelling me before now. Why’d I say this, I’ll tell why.

So during one of these conversations, I was almost keeping quiet to maintain steeze, that I remembered one word one of my friend would always say to me. He’ll always say “Sarah, I love that you’ll always tell me the truth of things, not bothering if it’ll please me”. The moment these words dropped, it called me back to consciousness. Called me out of steeze into sense.
I spoke my truth, and you wouldn’t believe it was the word the person needed.
ahh Daddy God forgive my foolishness sir😭

I still want to steeze oh and feel like my fellow Genzs, but for now the price that lie ahead dey fear me😭.
A quote once said, not every trend will fit you, just shut up, maintain 100% composure and face your front. ( don’t ask me where I got the quote from😶)
So if steeze-ing will land me in trouble, kindly let me maintain my old woman 100% composure while I wait for the one that is my own. You can also help me be on the lookout too. But until then, I’ll still try to maintain the little steeze I can maintain. And if it is spelling trouble for me, my fellow readers, that’ll be my cue to _pizz out_

But how about you, how’s your steeze-ing going? I’ll be waiting to hear from you, in the comment section.

In steeze and off steeze, I remain The Story Teller Sarah (unparalleled)✨🌸

Steeze- a slang term that combines “style” and “ease.” It refers to someone’s distinctive and effortless sense of style or manner, especially in the context of sports, fashion, or urban culture. It implies a natural and confident flair in the way someone carries themselves or performs an activity.

Pizz Out- Funny way to say Peace Out.

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